Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hilarious Intern Stories

For those who have a sense of humor about themselves...


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jog and a Job

I had a nice little run this morning past the Capitol and down the National Mall a bit. I hope the pain and suffering the "Hill" causes at the end of a run doesn't affect the way I feel about DC. Seriously though, the Mall and the Capitol building are pretty neat in the morning. There is nothing going on except a few joggers. Not to mention, it is the best weather available during the summer days here.
I got to the USDA at 8:30 and spent the day getting to know the people I will be working with, setting up my computer and email account, and setting up my cubicle. Overall the first day was great.


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello Glenn fellows,

This blog is a chance for you to tell everyone about your experience while you are here in Washington. Memorable events that happen or out of the ordinary days at your internship, feel free to document all of it here. This is your outlet, so make it appropriate, but have some fun!