Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union/ Liz Cheney's AD

I'm sure everyone watch the State of the Union Address last night and I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did!! And if it were not for the annoying girl drinking wine hitting on strangers and the annoying Sig Ep complaining every second of the speech, Susan and I would have enjoyed it even more! But I was very impressed with some of his polices and his calls for actions by the senate. I was also entertained by how much he called out the republican side of the room for not applauding him while the rest of the room did. I am wondering how his education plan to award those school who are succeeding but not those who are failing. Personally being from Youngstown, I have seen the inner city schools that are failing and less funding is not the option. These kids are unmotivated to try in school and since they have no funding for resources, probably fin dit pointless to put effort into anything when the government isn't putting effort into helping them succeed. Also, I was very impressed with his fections about toture and his plans to end the war and remove out troops. Not everyone was so enthusiastic about this speech as I was, including Liz Cheney. She created an organization called "Keep American Safe" and will be running ads in retaliation to the State of the Union Address advocating for more weapons to defend ourselves from terrorists rather than closing Guatanamo Bay and trying the detainees. Here is a link to her ad, which I find completely incompetent and reinforces my terrible views of her father's administration (no offense to Bush supporters)

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