Monday, March 5, 2012

A birthday in DC

I was lucky enough to have my 22nd birthday in Washington this year.  To celebrate my birthday my office and most of Washington, D.C. had the day off in my honor…or maybe it was for President’s Day, oh well I will believe it was just for me.  Growing up I have often been fortunate to have my birthday either on or around Presidents day, and this year was no exception.  It was a beautiful weekend, unspoiled by any necessary work or responsibilities….wait, wasn't the rough draft of our policy analysis due on my birthday?  Oh yeah, so I spent most of the weekend working on that.  However, because I have wonderful friends in the other John Glenn Fellows, they would not let me simply work all weekend and treated me to dinner on Sunday night at a wine bar.  The food was delicious, even if the service was sub-par.  At the end they surprised me with a delicious slice of cheese cake, and then went home to spend a little more time relaxing and playing Mariokart before it was back to the grindstone of paper writing.   The following day, after turning in a rough draft of the paper I was determined to have some fun, and once again, my friends did not fail me.  We agreed to meet up in an hour after I had a chance to skype my boyfriend.  At the appointed time there was a knock at my door and 5 of the most wonderful people in the world walked in singing “Happy Birthday” with a freshly baked birthday cake!  It was absolutely delicious.  It was truly a special birthday, and I would like to give a big “Thank You” to the other fellows, you are all wonderful. 

Cathy H

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