Monday, August 6, 2012



     One of the more interesting experiences I have had while in D.C. this summer was getting my haircut at the Watergate Hotel. I am sure that anyone reading this is at least vaguely aware of the circumstances surrounding the break-in at the Watergate Hotel and the subsequent scandal that followed, so I will spare you those details.
     On Saturday July 7th, also known as the day it was 112° outside, my family and I arrived for a Segway tour too early and we were looking for something to do. I was in desperate need of a hair-cut so we asked the tour office for the location of the nearest barber, to which they replied, “The basement of the Watergate.”
      My interest was immediately peaked as I imagined the possible scandals and other infamous situations that I could get myself involved in, but that emotion changed to fear when I arrived at the Watergate Complex. Once at the Complex I walked into the area in the center where the shops and Barber are located and I immediately felt like I was in the 1970s. This part of the Hotel was a little run down to say the least, and a government conspiracy and cover-up felt like the least dangerous thing that I could get involved in at that point.
     After some searching I found the Barber Shop, and in the rarest of occurrences there was an open chair there when I walked in. The two barbers were from an unknown foreign country, and the one who was cutting my hair spent most of the time on his cell phone, so I was not expecting much from the hair cut. However, to my surprise it was a great cut complete with a shave. After seeing the location this quality of the haircut was not what I was expecting, so I must end this post with a rousing recommendation of the Watergate Barber. Plus, who knows, maybe you will get yourself involved in the next big government scandal while you are there. 


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