Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Exciting Weekend!

  It was a busy, yet fun filled weekend! My family came to visit, so we had a full agenda! I spent all weekend with them (and my sister who lives in Arlington, VA). We visited a lot of places and dined at a lot of great restaurants (DC has so many unique restaurants to choose from). On Saturday, we went to Arlington National Cemetery where we witnessed the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider and viewed the Kennedy grave sites. Later in the evening we ventured over to the Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, and MLK Memorial. On Sunday, my sister and I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler! It's such a neat race and I'm glad I was able to participate! We rewarded ourselves with a delicious brunch afterwards (brunch is very popular here). Then, we spent the rest of the day exploring the city with our guests. We visited Ford's Theatre, the Petersen House, and the Old Post Office Pavilion. On Monday, everyone came over to visit me at work at the Capitol. I was able to give them a special tour that even included a Dome Tour (which are rare to get). It is such a neat experience and absolutely amazing view of the city! Our final event of their trip was a nighttime trolley tour. We saw a number of memorials, monuments, and historic places on the tour. The cherry blossoms were also in full bloom! It was a lot of fun and a beautiful evening! It was fun to be a "tourist" for the weekend.

OHIO on the Balcony

View from the Capitol Dome 

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