Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Day for the History Books!

As one who is involved with social justice, and especially involved in the LGBT movement, working at the Human Rights Campaign has been a tremendous experience.  But yesterday, history was made, and I was able to say I was on the steps of the Supreme Court when they ruled to strike-down the Defense of Marriage Act and send Proposition 8 back to the lower court (which means marriage is legal in California for same-sex individuals)!

The crowd was enthusiastic, the police were filled with angst, and the atmosphere was contagious!  People were holding signs, waving flags, and chanting.  People of all ages, of all races and ethnicities, from all over the world.  I interacted with interns from Minnesota who told me "We want to stand on the right side of history because the joy our state felt a few weeks ago should be felt across the nation!" When the DOMA decision was announced (via Twitter, of course in our technological day) the crowd erupted, as people cried and jumped and hugged, and grabbed anyone around them.  And then a long pause as another case was decided before Proposition 8 was announced it will go back to the lower courts.  Another burst of joy was heard across the steps of the Court, as tears were shed.  LGBT Americans had just won two cases that will change the course of history.

In a matter of thirty minutes, history had been made before my eyes.  I know I keep using the word 'history' regarding yesterday, but that is exactly what it is.

To be able to experience this, and work at the organization that is fighting for the LGBT persons of our nation, is an amazing experience that has given me new insights on life, new professional experiences, and more confidence in the direction of our nation.

What a day yesterday was!  And what a path our nation is on!

Aaron Clapper

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