Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Why Spring WAIP is great! --Susanna Malacky

As we reach the end of February and await the start of spring in March, I’m excited to have some warmer weather in DC. But after living here during January and February I think that I’m really happy to have experienced some of what DC has to offer in these two winter months. Here are some things you can only experience during Spring WAIP!
  • Getting to be in DC on Martin Luther King Jr. Day added more reflection to the day than it has for me in the past. That day, a couple of us caught the end of the walk which was being held and then went to the MLK Memorial along the Tidal Basin. I had been there before, but it was much more meaningful to read his quotes at his Memorial while surrounded by the respectful yet lively vibes from all the other people there.
  • The past two years the Women’s March on Washington has been held at the beginning of the year. It was incredible to see how the National Mall filled up with people, and it reminded me that there are so many incredible people working together to better the world. Plus the signs were so funny!
  • Watching the Winter Olympics together every night really made us want to try ice skating out for ourselves. Luckily, the Sculpture Garden offers ice skating through March. We learned the hard way it’s much more difficult than the athletes make it look on TV!
  • It’s the year of the dog! Being in WAIP for spring semester means you can experience some Chinese New Year fun in Chinatown. My parents visited that weekend and we ate a restaurant in Chinatown and watched the Chinese New Year parade. Very atypical from what you would typically do during a weekend in DC!
Now, as we enter the second half of our semester, here are some special Spring WAIP things I am looking forward too!
  •  I’m so excited to see the cherry blossoms bloom, something that only happens for a couple weeks in the spring! I also hear there are many festivities at the Cherry Blossom Festival that I can’t wait to experience.
  • I will take any excuse to celebrate my home state and favorite place on earth!  I am eager for Ohio’s Birthday Party hosted every spring by the Ohio Society!
All in all, Spring WAIP gives you a chance to experience a good mix or indoor and outdoor activities, without being too hot or too cold. The best of both worlds!

Monday, February 26, 2018

So That Just Happened

On the first day of my internship, my coordinator made it a point to tell my fellow interns and me what an unusual period we were in and how these seemingly "normal" happenings are quite out of the ordinary. Yeah, sure.  Flash forward about two weeks and lo and behold the government is probably going to shut down over the expiration of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy and subsequent deportation of illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children and are American in nearly every way except for their country of birth.  I found out through the grapevine that there was to be a protest on the Capitol lawn (which happens to be a five minute walk from home) to speak out against conservatives who would like to see these DREAMERs deported.  Naturally, a merry band of Kate, Fallon, Mikayla, and I decided to attend because in the words of the poet Drake, "you only live once."
It was amazing! We were in the second row listening to representatives and senators like Bernie Sanders, Joe Kennedy, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris speak out about an issue that was not only in the national news, but an issue that we were informed on and passionate about.
However, American democracy is a fickle creature and the government shutdown for a few days.  I thought I would have the following Monday off of work but no! Your valiant hero who just so happened to be in the right place at the right time received an email instructing him to report to work.  I ventured on in that morning and awaited instructions but was told that we'd have a staff meeting at 2:30 PM to go over shutdown protocol.  I had a little free time until I was needed to cover the front desk so my fellow interns and I walked through the tunnels to the Capitol into the Senate gallery.  Then being in the right place at the right time, we were able to listen to Senators Schumer and McConnell lay out their agreement for a continuing resolution and witness a cloture vote that would reopen the government. Strange times indeed. And yes this is a picture I took with Senator Kamala Harris.

Hallowed Grounds

Hallowed Grounds
By: Dylan Armstrong

It was a cool January day when Evan, David, and I hopped on the Metro to head over to Arlington National Cemetery. I had never been to Arlington National Cemetery so I did not know what to expect. I had seen photos of the cemetery online, but I quickly realized that the photos could have never shown how truly breathtaking the cemetery is. After clearing security, we started our walk through the cemetery and were greeted by this sign.

Which really helped set the mood that, yes, while I am seeing a national monument, I must make sure to remain respectful because this is a burial ground for many great men and women who gave everything. Right past the sign you get your first great view of the cemetery.  

David, Evan, and I walked through the cemetery and headed to President John F. Kennedy’s grave-site, where he is buried with the rest of his family. The eternal flame is located at his tombstone which represents the everlasting impact that the Kennedy’s had in The United States.

The final thing that David, Evan, and I witnessed at Arlington National Cemetery was the changing of the guard ceremony. The changing of the guards is the process of changing who is stationed outside of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I did not take any photos or videos of the Changing of the Guard Ceremony, but I did take a photo of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with the Guard standing at attention.

My trip to The Arlington National Cemetery was a moving one. It was nice to see that our nation treats those who given the ultimate sacrifice the respect they deserve.