Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Saturday Morning at the Eastern Market

This unique area on 7th Street SE, not too far from the Congressional, was filled with eager people from end to end. Everyone was so excited to taste the samples of fresh fruit and look at the carefully sewn clothes. Arriving at the Eastern Market was a sigh of relief, as my first week in D.C. consisted of ordering groceries that took a day or so to be delivered, or walking to the corner market and only picking up a few packaged items because that was all I could carry. Seeing all the fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish made me realize that I could actually eat more than noodles and hot dogs this summer.

The atmosphere of the market was incredible. Families walked up and down the rows grabbing samples and enjoying time with one another. The market has both an outside area and inside merchants as well. Inside, the line was wrapped 3 rows back as people waited to order fresh, readymade lunches. Every direction you turned, someone was selling something different that looked even more delicious than the previous. The flowers were beautiful and the people watching was superior. It never slowed down either. People kept appearing from all directions, each on their own mission.

Overall, the Eastern Market was a very neat place, and one everyone should walk through at least once while we are here. Although everyone is still moving quickly, it’s a rather different aura than that of walking on Capitol Hill, and the food is great too! 

-Ariel Cohen

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