Saturday, May 11, 2013

Summer 2013 Fellows Have Entered the District!

Today marks one week for the summer fellows, and it has been a busy and exciting week!  Most of the students moved in on Saturday, and we had our initial orientation with Dr. Kolson and Joe on Monday.  As a group, we have toured the National Archives and the Historical Society of Washington, DC, as well as the Library of Congress.

Today, a few students headed to the open house for the embassies of the European Union!  I enjoyed atmosphere, both of those touring and those inside the embassies, as it showed a set of culture that could be found without leaving the country!  My favorite embassies were those of Lithuania and Spain, for two very different reasons.  I have studied Spanish language and culture during high school and college, and the ability to see the embassy brought the country to me.  Inside, I found artwork and food, as well as people galore!  Great experience!

Aaron Clapper, Nora Gerber, Matt Deptola, Elena Krupa, and Josh Lachman!

I also enjoyed Lithuania's embassy because I do not really know too much about Lithuania, and I was able to experience that culture and see their political workings on that visit.  The people were very friendly, and they had two small children working their entrance table who were thrilled everyone was coming in!  While we were trying their select foods, a man came down playing a violin.

Week one is down!  And there are many more adventures to come!

Aaron Clapper

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