Sunday, June 27, 2010


This morning the S[ean/hawn]s decided to visit the Museum of the American Indian. In addition to a reprieve from the 103 degree weather, the museum offered an intriguing glimpse into the Native American cultures that covered the American continent for thousands of years preceding European contact.

One of the exhibits that we both found to be most interesting was one which explored the history of the conquests of the Spanish Conquistadors during the mid-late 15th century. Seeking wealth and to convert the unsaved to Christianity, the Conquistadors were ruthless in their dealings with the Native Americans and it is estimated that millions died as a result of their pursuits. Going through the exhibit, what I really struck me was not only what was essentially a European invasion an assault on their wealth and way of life, but an assault on their basic culture. The Conquistadors either destroyed or impacted the main tenants of Native American life, such as language and cosmological beliefs. Today much of what once was of these civilizations is preserved in oral tradition by the decedents of past tribes or in museums like this. At the end of the day it really is a tragic story but is one that I think is important to tell.

On a lighter note, the buildings architecture is also quite remarkable (see the picture). According to the museum brochure it is a building in which "nature's rough beauty and architecture's creative elegance come together in perfect harmony." Check it out!!


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