Monday, February 15, 2010

Holocaust Museum

This weekend I was able to make it out to a couple of museums. The one I was most excited to check out was the Holocaust museum. This museum has powerful displays that depict the horror and tragedies that so many Jewish and Polish people faced during the reign of Nazi Germany. It was eerie to see the large display of shoes worn by Jews as they traveled to the concentration camps. They also had a large display of personal items such as hair brushes, toothbrushes, and scissors. Many of these objects were brought to the camps because the Jews thought they would be working and that these items would be essential to their everyday hygenie.
While many aspects of the museum were moving, I found the overall exhibit to be overwhelming because of the sheer amount of content. It would take the average person months to read all of the information posted. Much of the exhibit is dedicated to the general history of the world wars and the uprising of the Nazi party. While it is necessary for this information to be provided to understand the overall struggle, I felt that it took away from the main objective of the museum. Despite this, it is definitely a must see museum in the D.C. area.

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