Friday, July 29, 2016


Well... I have been losing a blinking contest with my laptop for the past hour as I cannot seem to put into words what WAIP and more so my internship on Capitol Hill has meant to me.  What I want to put is WAIP=life but that would be a teenager’s oversimplification and I can legally drink.  Because of this opportunity I grew as a young professional and as a man.  I worked in a professional office where greatness was asked and interns were appreciated.  We were given opportunities to succeed and most of the time we did.  Staff went out of their way to meet with us and to share their experiences.  This is similar to how Ohio State alumni met with WAIPers.  From them I received advice, learned about D.C., discovered opportunities, and heard some stories that frankly brew my mind.

That is not to say my time here has been stress free, it has had its bumps, many self-inflicted, but I like to think I learned and grew because of them.  Additionally, travel excursions to the Great Falls and Mount Vernon were some of my favorite experiences and helped me relax view incredible sights.  Hanging out with a responsible and relaxed group made them all the better.

Last note for those who work on the Hill, walk around the Capitol building when you have the chance.  You have more access then you will ever have – unless you receive a future position there – so take advantage of the opportunity.


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