Sunday, May 23, 2010

Natural and American History Museums

I visited both the Natural and American Smithsonian History Museums and was really impressed with pretty much everything. The vast amounts of artifacts as far as the eye could see. As I walked through the Natural History Museum I was really impressed by the hall of mammals and how many of the animals appeared to look as though they were still alive, it was almost like a zoo without the smell and all of the animals were mingling together. They also had interesting displays about the history of mankind and evolution, plenty of dinosaurs, in both skeletal and recreated versions, as well as many other extinct species. Possibly the most popular exhibit on display while I was there was the Hope Diamond. While it was not nearly as large as I had imagined, getting a closer look at it provided me with a better understanding as to why people liked it, it was really beautiful, and according to the signs around the display, very expensive, which is probably what catches most people’s eye.
Moving on to the American History Museum, I walked through the impressive collection of items ranging all the way from George Washington’s uniform to Kermit the Frog. I enjoyed walking through the different galleries and was impressed by the one that contained a house. Yes an actual house that was very old and scheduled for demolition had people petition for its safety and preservation and the Smithsonian saved it and put it on display, keeping track of all of its history and tracking down everyone that had lived there since it had been first built over 150 years before. They also had an interesting display about the Apollo theatre with items varying from one of B.B. King’s guitar to a beat box used by the Beastie Boys. Abraham Lincoln’s top hat and well known black suit were on display in an exhibit based on his life. There were countless items on display throughout the museum and you never really know what you will see the next time that you go because the amount of items that they have on reserve is even more vast. I think people would like either one of these museums; they have something for everybody to enjoy.


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