Saturday, April 14, 2012

Face of the Franchise

As the only intern in Congressman Patrick Tiberi's office I have been given the responsibility of leading the guided tours of the Capitol. At first I was very apprehensive about leading these tours for a few reasons. Obviously learning all the information about the Capitol and being the focus of attention can be a bit daunting at first, but as I got more used to it I became more and more comfortable.

I soon realized that of all my duties as an intern, leading tours was perhaps the most important. It is really the only time that constituents get face to face time with the staff and sometimes the congressman himself. I am in essence the office's ambassador to those that come into our office. In many cases, how well I do as a tour guide greatly influence how they remember their vacation. If they have a great time then they connect the great time they had with me to the congressman himself. At my time at the office I have learned that constituent relations is probably the most important facet of our work in the office. Considering that more often than not I am the only member of the office who interacts with the constituents for an extended period of time, it makes what I do very important. 

I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I give a tour and people have a fun time because I know that I just made a memory with them. I have already met people from all over the district, many with a connection to my hometown. It is overall a great experience and is probably the most enjoyable part of my internship. I strive to be the best I can be because it is not just about the constituents having a good time or about my sense of pride. I represent the office and everything I do reflects upon the congressman. That is why I enjoy tours so much, it makes me feel like I am an integral part of something bigger than just myself and my personal intern experience.

-Zach Prouty

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