Sunday, April 1, 2012

A City's Seductive Powers

Dr. Kolson alluded to the seductive power of Washington D.C. in Friday's lecture. His warning came too late, however, as the city had already won me e during a prior trip many years ago.  I had fallen in love with this place far before this past week of emersion into this lifestyle.  I can still recall the moment during a  family trip to the nation's capital where I made a promise to myself to return to this amazing city to live later on in life.  Now the WAIP program doesn't exactly fall into the category of a full-time career on Capitol Hill or qualify me as a Washington insider, but it puts me one step closer to my dream. 

I never imagined that I would be given this type of opportunity so early on in my life.  Just reading the schedule for the tours and events which we will be attending as Glenn Fellows overwhelms me with excitment.  These first few days have already exceeded my expectations for what is to come over the course his quarter.  It's a bit disheartening to have to mark down one week of my stay here working and exploring Washington.  I will have the privilege of calling D.C. my home for the next nine weeks.  My experience so far has given me hope that I can one day be a peer and coworker with the professionals that we have come to observe everyday. 

Our "behind the scenes" tour that the group went on within the Capitol Building gave me that same feel of wanting to become a part of that world of politics and business.  This past week alone has given me an extra boost and momentum to realize that my dreams are not so far out of reach.  That little identification card with my name and face proudly initiating me into the role of a government worker and certifying that I am in fact qualified to gain the access to a whole different environment.  I've always been taught to dream big.  The sky is the limit if I put all of my effort into my accomplishments.  Passing along the same halls that our members of Congress and Senate walk gave me the confidence to believe in myself more than ever. 

The time that we spent walking around the rooms of a place so rich in our nation's history and future endeavors of politics and goverenment allowed me to imagine myself being given the opportunity to return to those hallways with a different purpose than tourism.  Being in the company of the other Glenn Fellows who share the same love for Washington D.C. is so comforting to know that I'm not the only one with high hopes of success and dreams of a career.   I can't imagine that I am the only one who has been so easily seduced by the magic and beauty of our new home near Capitol Hill.  It's a great feeling to know that we are all on the same mission to create change and make our impact in this city.  Just as there is an extensive amount of possibilities of discovery throughout Washington's streets, our options for the future are just as abundant and endless. No matter which career path we decide to follow, I know there is no better canvass to begin that journey than right here in Washington, D.C.

Erin Ryan

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