Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Newseum

This past weekend, I had the chance to explore the Newseum. While admission is not free, I highly recommend paying for tickets since this is one of the best museums that I have ever been to. The Newseum is a museum of newspapers, television, the internet, social media, and every type of communication that has ever existed to share current events and news stories. If you are planning on visiting, make sure to give yourself a few hours to walk through the six floors of exhibits, theaters, and interactive displays that make up the Newseum.

My favorite exhibit was more or less a history of U.S. and world events through hundreds of newspaper front pages. One thing that I enjoyed about this exhibit was that the newspapers were not limited to major national publications. In addition to some international and foreign language headlines, I was surprised to find a copy of the now defunct “Cleveland Press” headlining the Kent State shooting. Other highlights included a September 11th memorial through news, an outline of the media coverage of the 2012 and 2008 Presidential elections (which is consistently updated) and an exhibit on the Cold War with an actual piece of the Berlin wall. There is also an interactive display that allows you to make your own commercials, headlines, and social media pages for a fake news story.

I could have easily stayed at the museum for four or five hours and not seen everything, so in my opinion the Newseum is one of the highlights of D.C. that is absolutely worth the time and the money.

-Marissa Cooper

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