Monday, July 28, 2014

The White House Trip for the Ages

One of the many benefits I have had from interning with the National Park Foundation was the incredible group of people that I could call colleagues.  It was clear from the beginning that the Marketing and Communications were dedicated to giving me a beneficial and memorable summer, but on Thursday, July 17th they really out did themselves.

As I was packing up my belongings after the Wednesday work day came to a close, one of my supervisors, Angela, informed me that I will be going to pick up a something for the office at the White Office.  She said it in a sort of apologetic way, while I was just trying to contain my excitement   that I was going to be going to the iconic building.  The next morning I woke up with a buzz, ready to start my personally hyped day.  I do not think I have ever had that much energy in the morning resulting in me showing up to work earlier than I have been all summer.

When I got to the office I was told that I need to go over at 10:30 to meet someone by the NE gate to receive the package.  This was a little mood-killing as I had thought I would be able to get a closer look at the White House.  Still excited, I left the office 30 minutes early to take the 15 minute walk to 1600 Penn.  I am waiting at the NE Gate for Jamie, the man who I am supposed to get the package from, for about 20 minutes.  There is another guy waiting by me for a while also, until he asks me if my name was Neil in a confused tone.  This ended up being Jamie, who was expecting Neil Mulholland, President and CEO of the National Park Foundation, not Neil Miele, intern.

After this initial confusion, Jamie had let me on to the grounds, reigniting my excitement.  As we went through security, my favorite Obamas, Bo and Sunny walked past us on the other side of the gate.  I, being the obsessive dog lover that I am immediately lost it; snapping picture after picture to properly document this occasion.  Jamie, not phased, asked me if I would like to pet the presidential pups.  I almost died, but was able to get the word "yes" out before said mortality.  We got on the other side of the gate and I gave the most famous dogs in the world a head scratching of Nobel Peace Prize winning proportions.

I could have stayed with these pups for hours but Jamie informed me that we were going to walk around the back of the White House to "see him take off."  More confusion.  I am now standing by the south lawn with a group of people as we see a helicopter coming in hot, not 50 yards away from us.  The chopper lands and it is none other than Marine One, the official helicopter for the President.  Me still not fully aware of what is happening is approached by Jaimie as he says apologetically, "He is on the phone with Putin right now, that's why it is taking so long."  What.  Low and behold not 5 minutes later, President Barack Obama is walking towards Marine One, waving at the band of star struck visitors.  Jaw on the ground, I then witness the helicopter take off again, followed by 3 other helicopters not far behind.

Jaimie then took me through the Rose Garden into the White House to give me the package I was sent there for.  I thanked him in over and again for the incredible experience and made my way back to the office ready to tell everyone about this crazy story.  As I got back and sprinted through the luckiest encounter of my life only to be responded with "We know, glad you enjoyed it!"  Turns out the entire trip was set up as a surprise for me!  They had arranged the viewing of Marine One, a difficult task to set up, and to see the Bo and Sunny!  Proof that I had the greatest group of people around me this summer.

Neil Miele

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