Monday, July 23, 2012

Crab Cakes And Football

            Washington D.C. has everything, from incredible people to historic landmarks and some of the best food anywhere. Despite the intimate size of D.C., there is so much to experience that it could take years to truly become acquainted with the different neighborhoods and local popular spots. With so much to experience It may be tempting to become immersed in the capitol but I recommend that after you have had time to explore the immediate city and experience a lot of what is has to offer, that you also venture to the surrounding cities in the area. I am fortunate enough to have a friend who lives in Annapolis, Maryland, which definitely helped when planning a trip out of D.C., but is not necessary. Last Friday, after our study tour was over, I headed to the metro and traveled to the outer belt of the Capitol area on the Metro. Involving the Metro makes traveling cheap, quick, and painless. After being picked up at the New Carrollton Metro station, my friend gave me a tour of downtown Annapolis, Maryland. The city looks a lot like the Capitol but is much smaller and borders water. Fortunately, for me my friend owns a boat and so we headed out onto the Bay. A unique feature of Annapolis is the ability to dock your boat at the local bars and restaurants. So after a boat tour of the U.S. Naval Academy, downtown Annapolis, and parts of the Chesapeake Bay, we docked at a local bar and enjoyed the night there. The next day my hosts took me out and taught me how to properly eat crab, a skill that you have to have if you want to fit in on the Bay, according to them. I was also able to learn some boating skills, like how to tie a flying cleat hitch knot and see Tiger Woods’ old yacht, as well as a huge number of other boats worth well over a million dollars. During the rest of the weekend I had the privilege of biking on the beautiful hiking paths located right on the water. Despite wiping out on a mossy bridge and being run into to by my friend, who was following on his bike, it was another great way to take in the area. Overall it was a great weekend and I highly recommend getting out of DC and enjoying the slightly slower pace of another beautiful place.  Regardless of if you have friends in the area, make an effort to get out of D.C. and see what the rest of this unique location offers.

-Anthony DeThomas

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