Monday, October 12, 2009

Bucket List

So far we have been here for 3 weeks and it has gone fast. I have a feeling that the next 7 weeks are going to fly by even faster. I am not sure how many people saw the 2007 movie “The Bucket List” with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman but in the movie they create a list of things they want to do before they die which they call their bucket list. I think this is a great idea. I am creating a bucket list of things I want to do before my time in DC runs out. My list is long and it is constantly growing. Some of the things on my list include visiting the National Portrait Gallery, National Zoo and watch the sunrise from the Lincoln Memorial. I hope to get everything accomplished on my list before time runs out. I encourage all my other classmates to do the same so we could all make the most out of our short time in our nation’s capitol.


  1. I wonder who wrote that comment...

    I have a feeling I know who the originator of this post was, but I'm not positive. Anyway I agree with the idea of a checklist of sorts to have when attempting to see all one can before leaving DC. My list includes the George Washington masonic temple in alexandria, mount vernon, perhaps harper's ferry, and some other little known ones like the ford theater and museum. Anyone have any other suggestions for things to see that are off the beaten track?

  2. oops! that last post was mine, by the way, Josh....
    Josh Kramer
