Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remembering 9/11

It's impossible not to echo the last post in saying that the September 11 exhibit at the Newseum was sentimental and life changing. I remember September 11, as do most of Americans, like it was yesterday. I can't believe it has already been a decade. This exhibit was everything it needed to be; it was a reminder to those of us who can still recall the horrors of that day, it was informative so that the details of that day are clarified, it is tasteful and hopeful so that we can stand strong and know that our fellow Americans are remembered and cherished by all. We lived it. We remember it. We can still feel it. Because of the Newseum, future generations will weep and mourn the way we did on that tragic day... I look forward to the day that I can show my children and grandchildren that piece of history that we will never forget.

The picture above is one that I actually noticed in the FBI exhibit at the Newseum in another description of September 11. If you can not read the caption, it tells the story of a mother and 4-year-old daughter on a trip to Disneyland that were aboard United Flight 175 that crashed into the second tower.

Hearing stories like this never get easier to handle. I think back to my trip as a 5-year-old to Disneyland with my mom and remember every detail, every princess I met, and even got to be Queen for a day... but they never got to share that or any of the other things I've shared with my mom over the last decade. That little girl would probably be starting high school, counting down the days to getting her driver's license and dreaming of her first kiss. I admit that I cry every time I think of this family and all the other families that were torn apart.

I hope that we as a nation never forget. We will never be able to give those that were lost the recognition they deserve but the Newsuem does all that it can to bring clarity and truth.


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