Wednesday, March 7, 2012

After being on the Hill for a while, I relieve anyone would being to notice that it is truly its own little world. It’s its own culture, stile of living and interacting and even an entirely unique way to walk as a man.
One of the more unique qualities about the world that is Capitol Hill, are the social interactions between interns, Staff Assistants, LCs, LAs, and senior staff members. While everyone is completely open to talk and help the lesser animal on the food chain, there is still a complete sense of “me first”. As one might imagine this creates quite the interesting atmosphere.
            There is also a very clear chain of command regarding who answers to who. While you might have a task or Project with a Fighter dead line that one from a higher up, you will always be advised that it is almost always preferable to answer to whoever is higher regardless of time constraint or anything of the matter.
            While this might make the Hill sound like a very unwelcoming cut throat enviroment, the beauty of it, is that it is not, and the described above is merely just how it all works, no more and no less. 

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