Saturday, June 23, 2012

Unlike Any Market I've Seen

While walking along Constitution Ave attempting to search for "Eastern Market" on Google Maps, I quickly realized that my iPhone simply could not prepare me for the outdoor wonderland that is Eastern Market.

As a proud flee market shopper and lover of any outdoor vending, I was delighted to discover that the Eastern Market had everything I wanted. There were stands full of fresh fruits, vegetables, homemade desserts, spice combinations, and plenty of free samples. The stands that were the most intriguing to me, however, were the jewelry and miscellaneous trinket stands. Tempted and weak by all of the unique offerings, I quickly indulged. The vendors were particularly friendly as they told me their own personal stories of creating the items they were selling. One man told me that he often drove for days simply looking for unique pieces that he could purchase and transform into his own art.

I quickly realized why Eastern Market was so famous and successful. Yes, the items were authentic and original. However, it was the hard work and genuine nature of the vendors that made the area something special. The atmosphere of the Market was incredibly welcoming and complimented the beautiful weather perfectly.

I could easily picture myself visiting every weekend this summer if given the opportunity, and I did not mind only spending $10 for 15 items. :)

-Aiesha White

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