Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Becoming a part of the company

When I first moved to D.C. I was a bit nervous about how to exactly fit in at my work place. It's hard being an intern knowing that you'll only be with these people for a few short months. At first you're timid and shy knowing that you had to be the best you so that the company thought highly of you. If I could go back and tell myself one thing it would be to be more like myself and not so uptight and professional. At the end of the day, everyone in the office is just another person and they like to be themselves too. The point that I am trying to get across is that it wasn't until this last month that I truly became more of friends with my co-workers than just co-workers. I was lucky enough to go to Florida for our annual convention and it was then when I realized that I am more like these people than I thought. 

Going into Florida I was sort of nervous on who I would hangout with and how I would spend my free time. Throughout the semester I hangout with my co-workers outside of the office a few times but never for a week like I would have to do in Florida. Once we were there I noticed everyone treated me as one of them and not just an intern. They were always texting me asking if I wanted to grab dinner or a drink with the group. The included me as if I was another employee rather than just a part time intern they may never hear from again. It took all the way until the second last week of the semester for me to realize that I wasn't just an intern, but rather another employee in the office.

The point that I am trying to make is that it is not as hard as you would think to make friends with your co-workers. Instead of going into the internship thinking that you're just going to be co-workers will make it harder to build relationships. I now know that everyone in my office thinks of me as more of a friend than just a past intern it makes it far easier for me to be able to reach out to them after I am gone. 


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