Saturday, June 26, 2010

One Mile on Embassy Row

So, on Monday evening, Sean, Shawn, and Andy went walking about DC and ended up in Dupont Circle named for Samuel Francis duPont, as a side note… DuPont with a capital D indicates the entire DuPont family while duPont with a lowercase d indicates a single member of the family…

Anywho, we ended walking down Embassy Row (Mass Ave). We had a grand ole time! As we walked, we took note of all the different embassies. The smaller with their smaller embassies we would guess by the flag out front and confirm by zooming in on the plaques either physically or with Sean's camera. Some of the smaller embassies we walked by were Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Malta, and a whole lot more. Some of the larger embassies we walked by included India, Japan, Greece, Turkey, South Korea, Spain, Ireland, Poland, and surprisingly Cote d'Ivoire.

Embassy Row was one of the most prominent areas of the city during he 19th and early 20th century and so many mansions were built in the area, leading to the monicker Millionaire's Row. The first embassy built on the Row was the British Embassy in 1929. During the Depression, the area fell into decline, until after Word War II when the worlds nations decided to buy mansions in the superpower, leading to the new name of Embassy Row.

Fun story, at the residence of the Turkish Ambassador (which is gargantuan), Shawn decided to go read the plaque by the door. The security guard did not appreciate it and started yelling at Sean and Andy to get our friend off of the property. He started honking a horn and finally Shawn got down and we got the hell out of dodge.

-Sean F, Shawn O, and Andy S

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