Friday, August 10, 2012

Places of Worship

On my last weekend in DC I decided to visit various places of worship with my roommate. Since religion is such a big part of people's lives and their decision making I think it's always vital to learn more about the places they worship in. 

First we visited the Islamic Mosque and Cultural Center. Neither of us had visited a Mosque before. While we weren't scared or hesitant, our biggest fear was being inadvertently disrespectful. Luckily, we had some knowledge on the culture of a Mosque. Upon arriving we talked to people in the visitors center and we were able to get head coverings so we could enter the Mosque. Inside, it was absolutely stunning, beautiful, and peaceful. There were very few people inside, however you definitely got the sense that this was a very important facet of their lives and a very meaningful place. 

Our next stop was the Washington National Cathedral. The Cathedral, which is non-denominational, is a huge, gothic style building. We were able to receive a tour by docent; it was easily the best tour I received in DC. The guide was highly knowledgable, funny, and enlightening. I highly recommend visiting the National Cathedral as a group for a study tour or on your own. We learned that the Cathedral was damaged greatly by the earthquake in DC last summer and that it now needed billions of dollars worth of repairs. It was hard to believe that a place so majestic and grand was in need of so much repair. At the end of the tour we were able to go up to the top floor of the Cathedral for a breathtaking view of the city. 

Finally, we stopped at the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This church was also huge and featured numerous murals, statues, and religious memorabilia. Front ancient murals or articles of clothing from various popes, in every corner there was something amazingly brilliant to be discovered. Mosaics covered numerous walls and you could hear Since I was raised Catholic this place or worship was definitely made me feel the most at home. 

Overall this was one of my favorite days. It was great to visit different places of worship, learn about different people, and see the beauty that each place had to offer. 

- Jenn Meyer

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