Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Roe v. Wade Day!!

So as many of you have noticed there have been buses and buses of people demonstarting for and against abortion today. What a crazy day on the Hill!! We watch from our office window as whey marched on spelling out LIFE. There were even nuns out on the steps of the Supreme Court House. As I watched all of this I couldn't help but think, "you people are wasting your time, they are not going to change the bill just because of you!" But then that's democracy isn't it. Watching the O'Riley factor the other night I heard a mother and father talk about their disappointment with the US governement becuase their daughter was in Haiti for the earthquake and they haven't heard from her yet. They were urging people to write their congressmen's in order for our government to do something and find their daughter. there are som many people in this country it is so hard to think that one person's actions will make a difference. But it was today when I saw all of the people marching that I realized it takes one person to get to another person who can reach out to even more people for things to change. I would be interested in reading Lydia's paper on abortion policies after today to see what both parties are advocating for. I have mixed views, and not to turn this into a debate, but after taking a women's studies course about health views in 3rd world countries, you begin to get a mixed view on things. Anyway it was really cool to see all of the people out here today, I think a catholic school from Youngstown sent a bus or two of students here too. And once again this blod wont let me upload pictures but once it does I will put up the pictures I took from my office window of the huge crowds!

1 comment:

  1. Why shouldn't you have "mixed" opinions about this issue? It's complicated, I know, but there's nothing wrong with starting with the recognition that both "life" and "choice" are good things.

    Union Station was a mob scene yesterday afternoon! -KK
