Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More sightseeing from our list

I was able to visit the actual house where Lincoln died, which is right across the street from the Ford's Theatre. It was cool to see but it was actually really sad. I saw what was called the grieving room, where his wife sat and waited to hear the news of his death. I was a bit surprised to hear how long he lived after taking a bullet. Back in those days I would have thought being shot would kill a person quickly either from the impact, loss of blood, or infections.

I was also able to visit the Arlington Cemetery. It was also another sad place to be but I felt privileged to stand in the presence of so many men who fought for our country. I visited the Kennedy's grave sites as well as the tomb of the unknown soldier. Out of the whole experience watching the changing of the guards was really special to see. I could not believe how quiet everyone was for the ceremony. The inscription on the tomb sends chills down my back every time I read it..."Here rests, in honored glory, an American soldier known but to God." I was surprised to see that there are acutally 3 tombs at this site, I always thought it was just one soldier but there are three tombs. With friends of mine from home being in the armed forces and sent over seas, it was a reminder of what is happening with the war today.

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