Thursday, January 14, 2010

What with all the Haiti craze (which, granted, is justified), I thought I would share a few interesting links. Having watched the news all day at my office, I feel moderately well-educated on the topic, but if you aren't you should catch up. It is quite the catastrophe.

What I found most interesting was the rapid response of Google and GeoEye to update satellite images of Port-au-Prince. You can read the article at or proceed straight to some of the images themselves at

Because second-hand pictures are never good enough, I examined the city in its entirety with the help of Google Earth and found the image below. The center block, I discovered after research, is one of the slum neighborhoods just off the coast. Considering the houses surrounding the slum are modest at best, the living conditions in Haitian slums must be absolutely atrocious. Fortunately the global community has stepped up with unprecedented support to recover and rebuild.

If you were born with a heart and/or soul, it might better your karma to donate to one of the many needful organizations that have so quickly and graciously come to the aid of Port-au-Prince and its citizens.

On a lighter note, FailBlog is one of my favorite websites, and I ran across this gem:

And we wonder how terrorists sneak past our formidable American security.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lydia. I had to blow up (so to speak) the Failblog image to "get it."

    As for Port-au-Prince, it is amazing how distinctive that one block is from all the surrounding urban tissue. KK
