Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day of Museums!

   Earlier in June, I took a visit to both the American History Museum and the Holocaust Museum. I visited alongside Adam, Jenny, Rachel, Aaron, Lenae, Luisi, and Jake. 
   The group visited the American History Museum more out of a need to fill time, as our tickets to the Holocaust Museum didn't get us into the exhibit for another hour and a half. We entered the museum and took a trip through the American President's exhibit and the First Ladies exhibit. While the First Ladies exhibit didn't hold my interest for very long, it was interesting to see what responsibilities they have assumed and how those responsibilities have developed over time. There have been some first ladies like Eleanor Roosevelt who assumed actual policy responsibility, while others like Nancy Reagan served as both FLOTUS and attacked drug use, but also was viewed as a role model in the fashion community for women. Another interesting component of the exhibit was seeing how different presidential banquets are. President Bush for example hosted an annual cowboy themed banquet, while President Obama's was much more elegant. The gown and shoes from Michelle Obama's outfit looked a bit different than the cowboy boots President Bush was pictured in. The President's exhibit outlined major events of American history and gave in depth descriptions of how president's acted in response to major events. It was an inspiring exhibit and made me compelled to try out office myself.

   The Holocaust Museum had a bit of a different tone than the American History Museum. I had been to this museum once before and was excited to return. Unfortunately, we visited this museum at 2 pm on a Saturday afternoon. This timing made the exhibit very very crowded and less enjoyable, granted, I still had fun. This museum does a very nice job of presenting an in depth and comprehensive picture of the development, execution, and cool down from the Holocaust. Many different perspectives, cultures, and countries are considered and I particularly enjoy this aspect of the exhibit. The role of the United States, or lack thereof, through the crisis was often noted, but downplayed. After seeing how much of a war on human rights this was back then, it would be hard to imagine the U.S. would react similarly if something like this were to happen today. One of the coolest features from this museum that set it apart from others are the use of different avenues for learning. Photographs, video, sound bites, depictions, writings and letters, maps, and more are all used. 
   Overall, I very much enjoyed my time at these museums and my day with fellow Glenn fellows. Despite the rain, I will look back on this experience as a good opportunity to learn and bond! Our group trip to McDonalds also proved to be interesting!

-Matt Deptola


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