Monday, July 22, 2013

We, the Pizza

At the very beginning of the summer semester, I took a walk down Pennsylvania Avenue with the idea that I was going to order pizza for dinner. It was a warm Friday night and right outside a restaurant called We, the Pizza, there was a huge line that went out into the sidewalk. I was shocked that so many people wanted pizza on a Friday night, but thought that it was probably busy because it was DC and the weekend. I wanted pizza, but thought that it was too crowded and decided to order a meal at Cosi (which is a restaurant right next door). When I was ordering my food at Cosi, a guy in line with me mentioned that the whole Obama family was next door eating pizza. I went back outside and noticed that a lot of people were there just to watch. I asked a guy coming out of the pizza shop if the Obama family was in there, but he said that just Michelle Obama was up on the second floor enjoying some Friday night pizza. As you can see in the picture above (the picture was taken on a different day), Mrs. Obama was apparently on the second floor eating pizza. Of course, they had the second floor blocked off (but I never went inside). There were at least three or more US Secret Service vehicles and even more personnel outside the restaurant waiting for her to finish her meal. This experience happened during one of the first few weeks I was here, and I thought it was interesting that the First Lady ate pizza at We, the Pizza on a Friday night. It was definitely a DC moment!

-Lauren :)

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