Thursday, July 25, 2013

Paddling Down the Potomac

Spontaneous trips always seem to make the best memories and the day I went kayaking was a prime example of what I mean. One Saturday, while grocery shopping at 10:00 am, Nathan and I were trying to figure out how to spend this beautiful day. He had found a kayaking place right by Georgetown and said it was lots of fun! So an hour later, Me, Eric, Nathan, and my roommate Louise were on the metro. The weather was perfectly sunny and warm and definitely waranted some time in the water.

Once there, we hardly had to wait for our kayaks. I paired up with Eric while Louise and Nathan shared. Needless to say, Eric and I had great rhythm and were cruising around in no time! He even let me give up and lay back while he continued to paddle. Of course, I had to sing "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas, which other kayakers found funny.

It was just the kind of rejuvenation that I needed after a week of being cooped up in an office all day. Sometimes we forget how perfect nature is and that it really helps to revitalize us physically and emotionally. The day was a perfect day and easily one of my favorite days in DC.

-Lenae Horvath 

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