Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fireworks on the Lawn

Last summer, I was lucky enough to be in Paris on Bastille Day and watch an amazing fireworks show at the Eiffel Tower. It was a spectacular scene but one that I think would have been much more meaningful if I was French... So after having that experience, I was particularly excited to be in Washington for the 4th of July and get the opportunity to celebrate our nations birthday from our nations capital.

The day of the 4th was a lot of fun with so much going on around the city, but the real event was taking place that night on the national mall. I made sure to arrive early so get the best seat possible to watch the show. So after much anticipation it finally began and and it certainly did not disappoint. Not just the amazing fireworks display with the Washington Monument as the backdrop, but all the people and my fellow Americans taking in the entire experience together is one that I will never forget.

I have had the chance to be apart of some great experiences and events while in Washington this summer but the 4th of July and the fireworks show in particular sticks out to me as it was that moment when I was truly proud to be an American and filled with pride to have the chance to celebrate that moment with my friends and fellow Americans.


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