Thursday, July 25, 2013

Visiting the White House

One of the most exciting times in DC was when my boss informed me that we would be attending a meeting at the White House with one of the President's staffers! Since there are no longer any tours being given due to sequestration, I was even more excited that I might be able to see the inside. The next day we found out that the meeting would be held in the West Wing.

Once we got White House we had to go through intense security that took forever. Finally I was on the other side and the grass was so green! As we walked closer to the White House I noticed a Marine guarding one of the doors. We soon found out the Obama had returned to the White House and therefore we had to move our meeting over the office buildings but still in the White House gates.

Our meeting discussed the President's desire to address mental health parody and what steps he plans to take to help decrease suicide rates. We also met with the First Lady's staffer and the Vice President's staffer. Since they are very busy, the meeting only lasted an hour but the whole experience was one that  really was amazing.

Me pointing to the presidential seal right next to the White House
-Lenae Horvath

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