Friday, July 26, 2013

DC Night Tour!!

During one of the first few weeks of the internship, my friend Samantha and I (and her guy friend Naraj)...the three of us decided to do a DC night tour. Now, I've been to DC two other times, so I have done many tours by day. But the night tour was something I did not get a chance to do, and I was excited.

We ordered tickets with the Old Time Trolley, which were around $40. Although initially expensive (but it's everything expensive in DC??!!!), it was well worth it.

The evening was absolutely great. The tour guide was very informative and there were many stops along the way where passengers could get out and walk around the monuments for a bit. As we passed the Capitol, I noticed that someone was offering a horse-drawn carriage tour. I would have loved to tour DC that way too! But, that opportunity did not arise.

The trolley tour was great, though. We went to The Lincoln Memorial (at dusk), went by the Capitol and other federal buildings, went by the EPA, saw the Iwo Jima and Korean memorials and also the Vietnam memorial. We also saw the FDR memorial, and the Washington Monument from a distance. We also went by Arlington National Cemetery after dusk, and just the thought of going in there at night was pretty interesting to me. I really wish you could do a night tour of Arlington!

After the tour, Samantha's friend drove us to the Jefferson Memorial and back to the Lincoln Memorial so we could walk around a little bit more.

It was a great night, we had a lot of fun, and the tour was very relaxing and enjoyable. This was definitely $40 well spent and the memories will last a lifetime!

Do a DC night tour if you get the chance!


1 comment:

  1. I noticed that someone was offering a horse-drawn carriage tour. I would have loved to tour DC that way too! But, that opportunity did not arise.
    day tours in dc
